Name * Email * 1. What is your family’s country of origin? 2. One general admission ticket to a Teatro Círculo production is $35. Do you consider this affordable? Yes, the price is affordable. No, it’s too expensive. Maybe, but if the admission were lowered, I would attend Teatro Círculo productions more often. VIP MEMBERSHIP Right now, each ticket to a Teatro Círculo play costs $35; seeing all 4 plays cost $140. We are considering a VIP Membership package for our loyal supporters that include discounted tickets for our 4-play season and special perks. Here are the VIP Membership package options: □ PREVIEW VIP 4 tickets for $80 - Save 40% You decide how to split up your tickets - 4 for one show, 2 tickets for two shows, or 1 ticket for each show. FIRST WEEK OF OUR RUN ONLY. □ PREMIERE VIP 4 tickets for $100 - Save nearly 30% You decide how to split up your tickets - 4 for one show, 2 tickets for two shows, or 1 ticket for each show. □ PREVIEW PLUS VIP 8 tickets for $150 - Save over 60% You decide how to split up your tickets - 8 for one show, 4 tickets for two shows, or 2 tickets for each show. FIRST WEEK OF OUR RUN ONLY □ PREMIERE PLUS VIP 8 tickets for $200 - Save over 33% You decide how to split up your tickets - 8 for one show, 4 tickets for two shows, or 2 tickets for each show. 3. Which VIP Membership package is within your budget? Preview VIP Premiere VIP Preview Plus VIP Premiere Plus VIP None of the above 4. As part of our VIP Membership package, we are planning to offer special perks. What perks excite you most? Complimentary service of one glass of wine An exclusive invite to a cast mixer Pre-show discussion with creative team members 5. Would you like a Teatro Círculo representative to contact you about becoming a VIP Member? Yes No ¡Gracias!